‘Well researched and beautifully written … of significant value to the many who find themselves embarking, or continuing, on the journey that dementia demands.’
Phil Parker, Lead Nurse, National Prion Clinic, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust
‘A book that will make you both laugh and cry … a love story about how the real identity of the self retains its dignity and meaning.’
Robin and Ursula Weekes, Emmanuel Church, Wimbledon
‘…written with such compassion, understanding, emotional intelligence and practical advice.’
Kim Smith, Dementia & End of Life Care Clinical lead, (Merton) Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust

‘A moving account of loneliness and loss, tempered by faith and love … raises a number of pertinent questions about future care that need urgent answers.’
Dr Tim Billington, former GP in Southampton
‘This beautiful book is a treasure trove of wisdom and understanding about dementia. https://www.eauk.org/news-and-views/book-review-living-with-alzheimers-a-love-story I would advise anyone affected by dementia in their family to read it… The main accomplishment of the book is to look squarely at the question of whether the person with dementia retains their ‘inner self’.’
Wendy Gleadle, Anna Chaplain
‘Really thoughtful and honest account of how it is to live with dementia. What comes through strongly is the need for appropriate support at the right time.’
Margaret Dangoor, trustee of the Centre for Ageing Better, Carers UK and Crossroads (Richmond and Kingston upon Thames), active in the dementia and carer community
‘I faced many of the challenges described here in my own life and can identify with so much in this honest, vivid and very personal account.’
Margaret Gould, former caregiver and advocate for those living with dementia
‘A love story… the effects of Alzheimer’s could not extinguish the expression of Shoko’s love for him.’
Dr Iain Aitken, professor of international public health
‘For anyone affected by dementia to read and gain insight from.’
Kim Barnes, community dementia nurse, Central London Community Healthcare NHS trust
‘The book is a treasure, a love story, full of wisdom.’
Howard Peskett, author and theologian
‘Highlights the critical importance of combining clinical intervention, support work and good quality advice with compassion and kindness.’
Rob Clarke, CEO Age UK Merton
‘A vivid, honest and sensitive account… Anyone facing the situation of a close friend or relative living with dementia would find this book very valuable… the Appendix and the “Helpful Resources” are invaluable.’
Heather Flack, Author
‘… beautifully written… a love story from the first page. Reading it, I was blessed by the resources and people he had available to him. It was almost an example of how life should be, when you are coping with a loved one's dementia. I hope it's held as an example to inspire others. Because sadly, few people experience the same.’
L.M.Morse, Amazon reviewer
Living with Alzheimer's - a love story
Published January 2020 by Instant Apostle; ISBN 9781912726196. Available here to order online.
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