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  • Writer's pictureRobin Tthomson

When my wife, Shoko, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's,

Updated: Jan 16, 2020

When my wife, Shoko, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, seven years ago, we had no clue about what lay ahead. A few years later, when the disease actually took over our lives, we learned the hard way. I became her full-time caregiver. We went through a lot of discouragement and relentless pressure. Shoko’s personality changed and she lost her capacity in many areas of life. She died just over a year ago, from heart failure.

What kept us going were the love and practical help of family and friends, and the remarkable friendship and support of the carers who visited us, backed up by health and social care professionals.

Even more remarkable was my growing awareness of Shoko’s constant affection and love, despite the decline in her mental ability. It was a deeply spiritual journey.

Where do we get the information and practical help that we need? How can we find support and give support?

I hope I can give a few pointers from our experience, by sharing some of the questions we asked.

More about this in Living with Alzheimer's – a love story

Published in January 2020 by Instant Apostle; ISBN 9781912726196. Available here to order online.

Or you can request it from your local bookshop.

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